
Grid List / Help

1Creative Coding Essentials

The starting point of the curriculum, made for beginners.

2Sketching with Code

Learn best practices for a fluent and smooth sketching process

3Mastering the For-Loop

A deep dive into For-Loops in Processing and p5.js


Learn to utilize waves for motion graphics in Processing and p5.js

5Vera Molnar Reconstructed

Exercises for beginners and intermediate creative coders.

6Bauhaus Coding Workshop

A collection of creative exercises, based on the teachings in the preliminary course at the Bauhaus in Weimar.

7Random Compositions (wip)

One of the most exciting and maybe even unsettling discoveries in the learning process of Creative Coding in Graphic Design […]


Fundamentals in text and kinetic typography with Processing and p5.js

9Images and Pixels

All you need to know to work with Images in Processing and p5.js.

10Vector Shapes (wip)

Scalable Vector Graphics – SVG is an image format that stores two-dimensional images. In contrast to pixel based formats like […]

11Copy and Paste

Exploring the copy-function in Processing and p5.js

13The Third Dimension

A brief introduction to 3D enviroments in Processing

14Generative Sculptures

Learn to transform image data into three-dimensional structures.

15Basic Datastructures

Fundamental principles of Arrays in Processing and p5.js

16Grid Systems

In this course you will learn how to use two-dimensional grids for a variety of design applications.

17Modulo Mixtape

The modulo operator is a magical little tool that can be used to achieve many different effects and solve several […]

18Form follows Music

An exemplary introduction to generative design and data visualization.

19Advanced Layout Techniques

A deep dive into PGraphics

20ASCII Adventures

This course is about the aesthetic potential of ASCII typography. Specifically, in this course you’ll learn how to develop your […]