3 Tips to accelerate and optimize your learning process

Published by Tim on Thursday September 30, 2021

Last modified on January 25th, 2024 at 14:07


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In the last years i taught hundreds of students in Creative Coding in my workshops and my university-courses and i know how hard it is for some of you to master the initial learning process. I believe that the main challenge is to find the right approach, the right mindset and to build some habits. There are so many confusing questions in the beginning. With this post and this video i want to give you a few tips, that hopefully help you a bit to adjust yourself.

Team Up!

Connecting with people who share the same learning experience is a superpower.

Start wit Processing

Processing is a great way to kickoff your path as a Creative Coder and to learn the basic principles of any language out there. Later on, you can jump on any other code-based technology easily.

Learn the Basics

Don’t confuse yourself! Learn the basics and internalize them deeply.


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