A bash script to convert 128KB gifs to mp4

Published by Tim on Monday December 30, 2024

Last modified on January 9th, 2025 at 19:36


Do you want to share the creations and sketches you’ve developed for the 128KB challenge on Instagram or other social networks? Bummer, they mostly only accept video files. But here’s a fix for this problem: A shell script you can use to convert your gifs to a mp4-file. It loops the gif three times and multiplies the size times ten, while maintaining sharp pixels.


# Check if the input file is provided
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 <input_gif>"
    exit 1

# Variables
BASENAME=$(basename "$INPUT_GIF" .gif)

# Step 1: Create a copy of the GIF, looping it 3 times
echo "Creating a 3-loop GIF..."
gifsicle --loop=3 "$INPUT_GIF" > "$LOOPED_GIF"

# Step 2: Scale the looped GIF to 1280x1280 with sharp edges
echo "Scaling GIF to 1280x1280 with sharp edges..."
convert "$LOOPED_GIF" -filter point -resize 1280x1280 "$SCALED_GIF"

# Step 3: Convert the scaled GIF to MP4 and ensure it loops
echo "Converting GIF to MP4 with looping..."
ffmpeg -stream_loop 2 -i "$SCALED_GIF" -movflags faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p "$OUTPUT_MP4"

# Step 4: Done!
echo "Done! Output file: $OUTPUT_MP4"

How to use it

  1. Create a new file called script.sh in a new folder
  2. copy the code above into it
  3. save the file
  4. open that folder in your terminal and run chmod +x ./script.sh to make it executable
  5. copy the gif into that folder
  6. run the script: ./script.sh


This script depends on ffmpeg, gifsicle and imagemagick. No need to panic, you can install all these packages via homebrew.

Good luck!

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