A Call for Coding Designers

This is a call for coding designers. It aims to serve as a proposal and a provocation for creative work […]

Meandering Thoughts on Low Technology

Things I have learned after repairing a laptop.

A reflection on Processing Community Day Copenhagen 2023

I’ve been travelling a lot in the last few months. Still, it was only during a short stay in Copenhagen […]

What Creative Coding can teach you beyond crafting visuals

Learning to code has had a bad reputation for ages. Many people have the impression that it’s all about acquiring […]

How I built myself a Digital Garden

It was a red hot day in July 2023 when I met Alex Muñoz for breakfast in the morning at […]

Digital Impact @ Disseny Hub

A few days ago, I visited the Disseny Hub in Barcelona to see the exhibition “Digital Impact”. On the website, […]

Demystify Technology – A kind of Manifesto

A Fortunate Look into the Spam Folder When I opened my email program on an ordinary workday in the morning […]

Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence

Photo: Vyběr Socky What a ride! I’m sitting in the room of a luxury hotel in Prague, once again packing […]

Gedanken über Künstliche Intelligenz

Photo: Vyběr Socky Was ein Ritt! Ich sitze im Zimmer eines Prager Luxushotels und packe wieder einmal diesen Koffer, aus […]

On Systems

From Martin Lorenz I got into lots of exciting literature about systems. One might think that this is a totally […]

DEMO Festival 2022 was a blast

This year I had the honor to be part of the DEMO Festival as a curator. It was a super […]

Processing or p5.js – Which is the better language for beginners?

The range of Creative Coding languages and frameworks is enormous and often confusing at the beginning. With this blogpost I […]

Creative Coding as a School of Thought

Our world is changing at a breathtaking pace. Technological progress is continuously leading to significant transformations. It is high time […]

What is Creative Coding?

Note: This article is also available in German language. The world’s largest computer museum in provincial Paderborn sends hundreds of […]

Creative Coding as an Experience

Note: This article is also available in German. In 2014, my friends Lukas Schlaffke, Patrik Hübner and I packed a […]

Creative Coding as a Method

Note: This article is also available in German. Vom Kleinen zum Großen 2011: On my first day as an assistant […]

Creative Coding as a Chance

Note: This article is also available in German. Odyssey One of my most distinctive character traits is probably my enthusiasm […]

An ode to the Gif

I’m pretty unhappy with the social media we creatives use today. The big platforms give us very convenient tools to […]