Interview with HOMEBOUND

Published by Tim on Saturday July 11, 2020

Last modified on January 25th, 2024 at 14:07

Cihan Tamti is a close friend, a former student and one an extraordinary creative talent. He constantly works on a wide range of self-commissioned projects in the intersection of storytelling, creative direction, typography and social media. His most recent project, Homebound is a newspaper containing statements and contributions by more than 35 designer from 14 different countries. The theme of the publication is the ongoing Corona-crisis. Along with Eike König, Lars Harmsen and Gregory Page i have been interviewed about how i perceived the beginnings of Covid-19. Here’s the full interview.

How has Studio Adaption been for you? Are there any methods of coping with the transition that work well for you?

Right from the first day i have tried to stay calm and embrace the change, even though most of my planned projects have been cancelled. I try to look at the situation as a great opportunity and a learning for all of us. That’s basically what has changed.

How do you start your day working from home?

I have a coffee-cup that my colleague Chris gifted me one day when we celebrated the completion of a huge project. I drink a large cup of coffee and have a long breakfast. At 9 o clock i talk with Chris to plan the day. And then we start working.

Could you give any advice to young designers entering the creative industry?

Yes. Crises come and go and they are a risk and a chance at the same time. The greatest changes in my life happened through crises and that’s why i try to embrace those situations. Of course i am scared of the future, just like everyone else. But each crisis is a gift and an opportunity to question oneself. Let’s take it!

Lack of motivation seems to be apparent for the most in this current time, how do you get over these moments and back in the working mindset? Are there any go-to references for you?

If you have a plan about what you want to achieve and if you follow that way consequently, you’ll probably never have a lack of inspiration. If you do not have any idea about where you wanna go i would recommend you to think about that deeply. Especially those days when you have time to do so. Don’t be be reactive, be active! Write your story. Make bold decisions. Try, fail, fail, try again, keeping a smile on your face. That sounds incredibly pathetic but i believe this is the best way to live.

A big part of Homebound is collaboration. Could you talk a little bit about the importance of it, and maybe a point out a collaborative project that was the most rewarding?

First of all i would say that collabos can hold you back from achieving your personal goals. If you take every chance you get, you’ll probably lose your way. Get comfortable to say “No!”. Staying on track is important! But if you feel that an offer can help you, go for it, with all your power and passion!

Do you feel you’ve become less critical of your work as you become more experienced?

Yes, definitively. I am constantly working on my skills and i feel like getting better comes along with getting more relaxed and chilled. This opens up new space for other things in life and i really appreciate that.

Let’s talk about studio music, what do you find yourself putting on repeat?

Johann Sebastian Bach, Bibio, Kendrick Lamar, Bonobo, Four Tet, Jose Gonzalez, Kings of Convenience, Brazillian Jazz, Warp Records, Noa, Madredeus, Portico Quartet, Claude Debussy, Bedroomproducers Paderborn, Faux Pas

I wanna mention an audiobook here: Ryan Holiday: The obstacle is the way.


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