Web Art Directory

Published by Tim on Thursday June 10, 2021

Last modified on January 25th, 2024 at 14:07

For a few months now, I’ve been pondering the question of which direction to take my curriculum in the long term.

Processing, in my view, is by far the best enviroment to approach the world of technology creatively and artistically. It can’t be topped as a tool for beginners. All the possibilities, including export, are strong arguments for Processing as an artistic tool. For me, however, the question is what the next step will be when my curriculum for Processing is fully developed.

As an experienced web developer, I have long watched the web browser evolve into an increasingly powerful software platform. Artists and studios around the world have proven since the early days of the Internet that a web page can be an powerful interactive work of art that the viewer can interact with not only in a museum, but on any device around the world via a simple web address. Since 2013, the web has had the so-called canvas element, which now makes the most complex 3D experiences possible. This is where the gateway to augmented reality is slowly but surely opening up. There goes a universe of inestimable size. The creative possibilities are unlimited.

At the same time, I see how great the need for web developers is in business right now. Today, designers who master web technologies can land great jobs.

With HTML, CSS and Javascript, the web offers a technological basis that is standardized and therefore guaranteed to last.

I have been thinking about all this and doing a lot of research over the last few months. One result of my research is the WEB-ART-DIRECTORY, a website that collects artworks based on web technologies. I would like to share this project with you in this post.

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