Spotlight: André Burnier

Published by Tim on Wednesday February 9, 2022

Last modified on January 25th, 2024 at 14:07


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A few weeks ago I got in touch with André Burnier, who has been wowing people with great typographic creative coding experiments on Instagram for quite some time now. So I asked him if he could imagine sharing a short video tutorial about his great experiments with type in Processing with my community. I didn’t expect him to present a whole 10 methods in detail and comprehensively in a 50-minute talk with lots of illustrations. I am very grateful for that! Merci Andre! Be sure to check out his phenomenal Instagram!


Get the code from the live coding session

import geomerative.*;
RPoint[][] points;
PVector mouse;
float radius = 200;

void setup() {
  size(800, 800);

  String txt = "O";
  int txtSize = 700;

  RShape grp = RG.getText(txt, "Arial Black.ttf", txtSize, CENTER);

  points = grp.getPointsInPaths();

  mouse = new PVector(0,0);

void draw() {
  translate(width*0.5, height*0.8);
  //mouse.set(mouseX-width*0.5, mouseY-height*0.8);
  mouse.set(mouseX - screenX(0, 0), mouseY - screenY(0, 0));

  for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i ++) {
    if (i>0) beginContour();
    for (int j = 0; j < points[i].length; j++) {
      //float x = points[i][j].x;
      //float y = points[i][j].y;
      PVector pos = new PVector(points[i][j].x, points[i][j].y);

      PVector posMouse = PVector.sub(pos,mouse);
      float dist = posMouse.mag();
      if (dist < radius){
        float t = map(dist, 0, radius, 100, 0);
    if (i>0) endContour();


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