Programming Posters at Elisava

Published by Tim on Thursday September 21, 2023

Last modified on August 25th, 2024 at 16:03


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In October 2023 I will conduct a seminar at Elisava in Barcelona and I am really looking forward to it. We will approach the poster as a medium in an unusual way, namely by using programming instead of relying on long-established tools. The students will develop and then examine their own poster motifs over a period of several weeks.

In my teaching, I often pursue a subversive thought that inspires me enormously and brings up questions like this one:

Can alternative, open-source, low-tech design tools, like Processing or p5.js, substitute the commonly used design software or even free us from the clutches of the Creative Cloud?

Even if it seems naive or even is unrealistic, there is great creative potential in questions like these, which we will make use of in my seminar.

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