“Programming Posters” at FH Dortmund
In early 2019 Prof. Lars Harmsen (the publisher of the renowned Slanted Magazine) invited me to give a course on animated typography at FH Dortmund. After teaching one semester at Rhein-Waal-University in Kamp-Lintfort, which was desperately difficult to reach with public transport, i was excited to get this new opportunity.
Because my first course “Programming Posters” was a huge success at HSRW, i’ve decided to continue the idea in Dortmund with “Programming Posters Season 2”.
When i’ve entered the classroom the first day, i was overwhelmed by more than 50 students, trying to get into the class, many were standing at the walls of the room.

Even if the work with so many young people was quite challenging, the outcome of the course was extremely satisfying. Some of the students successfully integrated Processing and Generative Design into their practice (just like Kevin, Cihan and Florian), but in the first place i am very proud that i was able to transform the fear of technology into curiosity.
Thanks again to Lars for the opportunity!
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I put a lot of love and effort into developing content on Creative Coding. Since 2018, I have published 228 interviews, case studies, and tutorials, along with over 314 lessons in 19 online courses – and there's more to come! If you'd like to support my work and help keep this platform evolving, please consider supporting me on Patreon. Thank you very much!


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