
Published by Tim on Tuesday April 4, 2017

Last modified on December 19th, 2023 at 14:08

“Flow” is a 100% code-based abstract short-film, showing a worm-like figure floating through a three-dimensional space. I’ve created this experimental video for the PSD-Medienfassade: A large LED-display which is integrated into the architecture of the PSD-Bank in Münster.

The visual score

I’ve composed the music exclusively for this video. It is based on a so called “visual score”, a graphic that defined the dramaturgy of the the film. The music can be streamed with a special application for the smartphone.

After releasing the video i was wondering if it is possible to bring “Flow” with some interactivity to the web. Converting the code from Processing to Javascript forced me to rewrite many scenes from the video, but it basically worked.


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