Expanding Systems

Published by Tim on Tuesday January 16, 2018

Last modified on November 8th, 2022 at 22:46

„Day25“ is an audiovisual remix of the „Prelude in C“ (BWV 846) by Johann Sebastian Bach. All scenes have been generated with software-algorithms, based on the raw musical data. The result is an abstract video-collage in black and white, reacting to the soundtrack that has been produced specifically for this work. Artificial dust particles and flickering scene-transitions deliberately reference early film experiments by Hans Richter. The video is my contribution to the “Expanding Systems”-exhibition at the APT-Gallery in London, which has been curated by Brigitte Parusel. It showcases artworks by Casey Reas, Patrik Hübner, Francesca Franco, Fiona Grady, Hanz Hancock, Michael Iveson, Patrick Morrissey, Goia Mujalli, Charley Peters and Students from Goldsmiths University of London MA Computational Arts. Expanding Systems 26 January to 18 February 2018 APT Gallery London


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