Github Index

Published by Tim on Friday January 1, 2016

Last modified on December 19th, 2023 at 14:08

I use Github to host some of my web-based projects. This microsite gives an overview of the most important projects that i’ve published there between 2015 and 2018.

Visit the microsite


Sam Griffith connects Creative Coding with Enviromentalism

In this post I’d like to introduce you to Sam Griffith, a talented graphic designer based in Detroit, to discuss […]

Throwback: My Talk at Demo Festival 2022

The next edition of the DEMO Festival is already approaching and I am currently developing a brand new talk for […]

Powers of Two – 128kb by Lena Weber

20 = 1 21 = 222 = 323 = 824 = 1625 = 3226 = 6427 = 128 … »In […]

Omid Nemalhabib explores the intersection of Creative Coding and Perso-Arabic Typography

In 2022, I spontaneously posted a story on Instagram: If anyone out there is also in Rotterdam, I’d love to […]

Lena Weber about her collaboration with A. G. Cook

Lena: This 10-minute visualiser for A. G. Cooks album teaser featuring my python archive generator, is one of my favourite […]

Computer Cursive by Tay Papon Punyahotra

One of the first exercises I assign to my students in my seminars is called “Random Compositions”. Basically, it’s quite […]

A custom Mockup Tool, built with Processing (updated)

For my students at Elisava, I have created a new version of my mockup-tool. You need two different files for […]

Preview: When Computers create Collages

2023-12-01 Today I want to share with you a first prototype that will be the basis for a new course […]