How I built myself a Digital Garden

It was a red hot day in July 2023 when I met Alex Muñoz for breakfast in the morning at […]

Instagram-Live with Lena Weber

I met Lena Weber at a workshop at International Assembly, after that we became friends and she helped me over […]

Digital Impact @ Disseny Hub

A few days ago, I visited the Disseny Hub in Barcelona to see the exhibition “Digital Impact”. On the website, […]

trustTheProcess(4) – Data Stream

2023-08-03 In this episode I have been looking at String Methods in p5.js, or rather in Javascript. Originally I wanted […]

A conversation with Raphaël de Courville

A few weeks ago I had the honor to meet Raphaël de Courville in person at the audivisual jam at […]

trustTheProcess(3) – ASCII Blobs

2023-07-20 Today I share the edit of the third episode of my trustTheProcess() livestreams with you. In it I rebuilt […]

trustTheProcess(2) – Time in Space

In this livestream from June 22, 2023, I used Processing to develop an interactive, three-dimensional timeline of exemplary historical data […]

trustTheProcess(1) – Random Composition

In this stream I solved the Random Composition assignment from my Bauhaus Coding Workshop course, which is about distributing three […]

Demystify Technology – A kind of Manifesto

A Fortunate Look into the Spam Folder When I opened my email program on an ordinary workday in the morning […]

New work for the New York Times

Once again, I had the honor of illustrating an article for the New York Times that I myself am very […]

Ksawery Kirklewski on his Symphony in Acid

For me, it’s by far the most inspiring project of the last few years: “Symphony in Acid”, a collaboration between […]

A conversation with Francisca Torres / Elisava

In March 2023 I taught for a month at the renowned design school Elisava in Barcelona. This was a unique […]

Monica Losada on Overcoming Interfaces

She is super young, incredibly sympathic and insanely creative. In her work as a graphic designer, she experimentally explores the […]

Workshop “Collision” at Abk Stuttgart

In April 2023 I held a workshop at the AbK Stuttgart, which worked super well and was great fun. I […]

Lowtech Painting Machine

A few months ago I made a small app that allows you to create image collages with some kind of […]

Marcus Aurelius Meditations

Since the beginning of the Corona crisis, I have been more and more interested in the history of ancient philosophy. […]

A conversation with Soyun Park

I met Soyun, a creative technologist from South Korea at a party hosted by Vera van de Seyp in Rotterdam, […]

A spontaneous Creative Coding meetup in Barcelona

Update 2023-7-11: Wow, I really need to apologize to a few people here, because I unknowingly just took their place. […]