Lena Weber about her collaboration with A. G. Cook

Lena: This 10-minute visualiser for A. G. Cooks album teaser featuring my python archive generator, is one of my favourite […]

A conversation with Anna Shams Ili

Hi Anna! It was super nice to meet you at the PCD CPH, I really liked your talk in which […]

Coding Systems: New Workshop Dates!

When I held Martin Lorenz’s new book in my hands and turned it onto its back, I was a little […]

My new writing project “downgrade” is live

Hey folks, I hope you are doing great! You may have already read one or two of my essays that […]

Join the 128kb challenge!

Instagram, Twitter, TikTok… All the main platforms that technically have the required features to connect emerging communies for Creative Coding […]

Ruder Processing Unit by Kevin Koch

In my teaching at universities and in workshops, I have met many very enthusiastic and highly talented people who have […]

A conversation with Lisa Apers

Hi Lisa, it was amazing to meet you at Processing Community Day in Copenhagen! For those who don’t know you: […]

Computer Cursive by Tay Papon Punyahotra

One of the first exercises I assign to my students in my seminars is called “Random Compositions”. Basically, it’s quite […]

A custom Mockup Tool, built with Processing (updated)

For my students at Elisava, I have created a new version of my mockup-tool. You need two different files for […]

A reflection on Processing Community Day Copenhagen 2023

I’ve been travelling a lot in the last few months. Still, it was only during a short stay in Copenhagen […]

Preview: When Computers create Collages

2023-12-01 Today I want to share with you a first prototype that will be the basis for a new course […]

Preview: Random Compositions

One of the most exciting and maybe even unsettling discoveries in the learning process of Creative Coding in Graphic Design […]

What Creative Coding can teach you beyond crafting visuals

Learning to code has had a bad reputation for ages. Many people have the impression that it’s all about acquiring […]

Coding Systems at PAU Barcelona

Hi Creative Coders! 👋 I would like to briefly announce an event that means a lot to me: Coding Systems, […]

Beautiful photos of my talk at PAU by Cara Schanuel

On September 27, I gave a talk at one of the most beautiful coworking spaces I’ve ever seen: PAU is […]

A conversation with Tomáš Kostrzeva

Hi Tomáš, thanks for answering a few of my questions! Let’s start with the basics. Who are you, and what […]

New course: “Generative Sculptures”

2023-10-04: Today is the day! My new online course “Generative Sculptures” is now available in my curriculum on my website! […]

Programming Posters at Elisava

In October 2023 I will conduct a seminar at Elisava in Barcelona and I am really looking forward to it. […]