
Michelle Duong and her Adventures in Interactive Typography

Sometimes it is so difficult to display the potencial of Creative Coding, since it mostly happens in the digital realm, […]

Daniel Shiffman on The Nature of Code

In this conversation Daniel and I discussed a broad range of topics, from the role of AI in Creative Coding to the beauty of Object Oriented Programming.


A prototype for a browser-based design-application, built with p5.js and vue.js.

Kiel Danger Mutschelknaus on building Design Tools with Code

Please note: This is a interim state of this interview, I am currently working on the edit. Stay tuned! How […]

Thinking Different – Using Linux in Design

“Think Different” If you are as old as me, you probably remember the iconic advertisement of Apple with the bold […]

Hannah Gmeiner on Permacomputing in Graphic Design

In an age of increasing digital consumption, Hannah, a recent visual communication graduate, explored “Permacomputing”—a sustainable approach to technology inspired […]

Building Tools with p5.js (Playlist)

Click here to login or connect!To view this content, you must be a member of Tim's Patreon at €7 or […]

DEMO 2025 – My Submissions

Limitations have always been playing a major role in my creative work; I was only able to develop my best […]

Tameem Sankari on Creative Coding for Large Media Corporations

In this interview, Copenhagen-based creative director Tameem Sankari shares his journey into Creative Coding, combining Processing, Blender, and Adobe CC. […]

Sam Griffith connects Creative Coding with Enviromentalism

In this post I’d like to introduce you to Sam Griffith, a talented graphic designer based in Detroit, to discuss […]

128kb at DEMO Festival 2025

Hi friends! I will be in the jury of the DEMO Festival again, which is a great honor to me. […]

Throwback: My Talk at Demo Festival 2022

The next edition of the DEMO Festival is already approaching and I am currently developing a brand new talk for […]

Powers of Two – 128kb by Lena Weber

20 = 1 21 = 222 = 323 = 824 = 1625 = 3226 = 6427 = 128 … »In […]

A Call for Coding Designers

This is a call for coding designers. It aims to serve as a proposal and a provocation for creative work […]

p5.js Design Tools Directory

Hi! In this post I’ll collect case studies and direct links to tools that people have built with p5.js and […]

A p5.js starter template for the 128kb Challenge

Your 128kb journey starts here! This is a template you can use to start developing your idea within the 128kb […]

Meandering Thoughts on “Low Technology”

Intro A few years ago, I received an old Macbook Air from 2011 as a gift from my mother. It […]

Omid Nemalhabib explores the intersection of Creative Coding and Perso-Arabic Typography

In 2022, I spontaneously posted a story on Instagram: If anyone out there is also in Rotterdam, I’d love to […]