Two Perspectives – Episode 3

Hello friends! Not only from my own experience, but also from years of teaching at different universities, I know how […]

Processing-Tutorial: A Grid of Arcs

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a grid-based, flexible visual system of quarter circles in Processing. I’ll show […]

Web Art Directory

For a few months now, I’ve been pondering the question of which direction to take my curriculum in the long […]

Processing-Tutorial: Exploring Wave-Figures

In this spontaneous Processing coding-session, I solve one of the assignments from my online course “Bauhaus Coding Workshop” available on […]

Community Spotlight: COPE Studio

With this post I would like to share with you an interview I did with Cyrill Kuhlmann. We became friends […]

How to breathe life into an old computer with Linux/Ubuntu

In this article i explain how i switched from Mac OS to Ubuntu, which is a powerful, free, Linux-based operating-system. […]

Out now: The TWO PERSPECTIVES Podcast

For 7 years Patrik and I have maintained an intense friendship. Not only because we like each other, but also […]

Julia Stoschek Collection

The Julia Stoschek Collection is one of the most important international private archives of contemporary art. Together with Studio von […]

Interactive Grid System

Hey! In this recording of my very first YouTube-livestream i explain how to create an interactive visual system with Processing. […]

Processing-Tutorial: Render Videos with the Movie Maker

There are several ways to render video from Processing. In this tutorial I’ll show you the easiest way I could […]

Type-treatments for Holo Magazine

I’ve been commissioned by Holo Magazine to develop a series of type-treatments for the the new Digital Economies Reader on […]

FFMPEG Snippet Collection

FFMPEG is a very small and handy tool for converting and editing media from the command-line. Not only is it […]

Five Book Recommendations

In this post I would like to share five books that inspired me a lot before and during the conception […]

Programming Posters 2019

The second season of my “Programming Posters”-project is the refined continuation of the previous one. It is the result of […]

Processing-Tutorial – Programming Posters

Some of you have asked for it, so here it is: A raw and uncut tutorial in which I explain […]

My Story (part 2 – told at Taaalks Conference 2020)

This is a recording of my presentation at the TAAALKS conference. The yearly event covers the intersection of design and […]

Bauhaus 101 – A beginners Processing Tutorial

Hi and welcome to this very condensed and quick tutorial that aims to get you amazed for Creative Coding in […]

How to use p5.js with Visual Studio Code

In this short tutorial i explain how you can use p5.js with Visual Studio Code. For this purpose, i’ll use […]